Thursday, December 13, 2012

Some nights. (5 of 5)

There are some nights that just never turn out well.  Michelle knows this now more than ever.

Having spent the past year madly in love with the man of her dreams, only to have those dreams dashed within a few hours, Michelle is emotionally spent.  Not knowing where to turn, she takes Chuck Junior to her sister Mia's.  Knowing never to kill the messenger, Michelle does not fault Mia for being the bearer of bad news.  And so she pours her heart out to Mia, crying and lamenting.  How will she be able to care for Chuck Junior?  What will become of them?

Mia loves Michelle and Chuck Junior very much.  She vows to take care of and protect them for as long as she is able.  Michelle thinks about her sister and the con that she calls love.  She looks into her nephew's eyes and she can't believe the most amazing things that can come from some terrible lies.

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