About The Block Docket

Fury Duty is a criminal defense lawyer by day who moonlights as a roller derby referee.

As a child, Fury hated all things LEGO-related.  Her sister built Duplo structures nearly as fast as it took for Fury to knock them down in fits of fervor and fevered frenzy.  "I have no concept of space!" five-year-old Fury would scream up to the heavens.  "I hate building things!"

In Spring 2012, through fate, chance, and roller derby fandon, Fury happened to meet a certain LEGO master (www.mikerayhawk.com) who provided her with LEGO sets.  "The first one is always free," he told her, his shifty eyes shifting about like a shifter on a 5-gear sports car.

Like Reggie's cracked out gang, Fury became hooked.  Not on the construction of LEGO, mind you, but on the stories.

Thus, a legal and LEGO-minded blog emerged out of a series of Facebook posts.  The parts are free and the labor (of her derby-playing friends) costs nothing more than some batches of Ghiradelli  brownies every now and then.  Fury merely sets the stage for an absurdly ridiculous hobby of story-telling that goes well beyond her actual courtroom themes and theories.

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